Playing can be different for different people depending on your personality, preference and background. Mary might like a night out with her best friend. Bob might want to skateboard by himself. Tim likes playing poker with his buddies. And Nancy might like reading a book in nature.

Playing every day is an exploration that colors our day-to-day living much like the spices we use for a meal that gives us a depth in taste and satisfaction. Here are 5 great reasons to make a point to add play into every day (as if you needed a reason!).

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5 Reasons to Play Every Day

1) Finding a way to play every day encourages us to engage in something.

2) It gives us excitement and focus.

3) It involves creativity.

4) The mindset of “playing” takes you outside the box.

5) It stretches you to discover something different or meaningful.


What happens to your state of mind when you play? We all know and have experienced laughter that brings an uplifting feeling into the room. Emotionally, we can feel lighter and energy flows through the body instead of feeling stuck when we set an intention of “play.”

Setting the intention of play is like actively seeking this uplifting energy into ourselves and the environment which essentially determines the level of productivity and inspiration to come up with more ideas to initiate action. Playing every day is your internal booster for better health.

What is your “play” and how do you use it to improve your health?



I’ve committed my life’s work to transform lives by helping to develop Awareness Practitioners, trained professionals who take people to a practice called “embodiment” through use of silence, dialogue and movement. I believe that relationships forms us, and through relationships we connect with our deepest purpose, or calling, the fundamental reason we are here. For more information, please visit

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