You have permission to be proud of yourself.
I am fortunate to have worked in the fitness industry my entire career, and to have witnessed some amazing accomplishments, from small but important to massive and life-changing. I have seen members achieve things they could have never imagined when they first joined Forma; it’s one of the great joys of working in this industry.
Along the way, I’ve learned quite a bit.
Among the most important things I’ve learned is that the key to staying on track is a positive mindset with willingness to celebrate all the “mini” accomplishments of a fitness and health journey.
Give yourself a pat on the back after a great workout or after just making it to the gym. Likewise, congratulate yourself for choosing an apple instead of potato chips.
By focusing on what you’re doing well, you’ll create positive momentum in moving from one step to the next.
During my 30 years in the health and wellness industry, I’ve learned that people who focus more on what they have actually achieved go farther – and feel better about themselves – than those who scan the horizon, focusing for too long on what they have yet to accomplish.
Forma Gym Fitness Director David Miller will get into more detail on goal-setting in an upcoming blog. We know that goal-setting looks very different from person-to-person; we want to help each individual develop a formula that works with their personality, habits, motivations and known distractions.
In the meantime, it’s time to celebrate what each of us has accomplished already.
As 2019 winds to a close, let’s look back on the forward motion we each made this year, in every aspect of life.
Maybe you made some positive changes to your diet this year, such as reducing sugar, adding vegetables, or drinking more water. Give yourself a pat on the back. Tell someone how it feels.
You might have started a regular walking schedule this year. Even 2-3 times per week for 20 minutes is beneficial and worth celebrating. Put your walking shoes back on and give yourself an extra mile as reward.
Did you try a new Mind/Body class or a Pilates Reformer class this year? Maybe you’d never thought yoga, barre, or even water exercise would be your thing, but you discovered that not only can you do it, but that you enjoyed it. Tell the person you met in class how you feel about it. They might celebrate you, too.
Or maybe you lost a few pounds or got a little stronger in 2019? Wow! Allow yourself to focus on how that accomplishment feels.
Even if you want or need to lose another 10 pounds, you’re moving in the right direction. Reflect on the mindset that allowed you to get where you are today and congratulate yourself.
Did you average two additional hours’ sleep per week? Excellent. Share your accomplishments and ask other people to tell you about theirs. Then listen, wholeheartedly, and support people when they share their accomplishments, especially the little ones.
The “small stuff” is the big stuff.
While you’re celebrating, be sure to remember to be grateful for the ability to do everything you can do. There are few actions or mindsets that are more liberating or joy-filling than those involving gratitude.
Remember to thank yourself! Then thank anyone who motivated you, knowingly or not, to achieve some of the steps towards what you hope to achieve.
Having trouble noticing your accomplishments or figuring out which are worth celebrating? Come talk to one of us at the gym. I guarantee that any member of our team can help you discover an accomplishment you might not even realize you made.
Go on. Be BOLD. Stop by the front desk or ask any one of us around the gym how to get started celebrating yourself and looking forward to what’s next for you.